Are you having a difficult time finding a bank or mortgage company that can qualify you for a mortgage due to past or present credit problems? Is your credit score too low? If you're not finding the deal you're looking for, or if you cannot get qualified at all, give us a call. We can help! As our biography on the "About Us" page states, we are experts in the field of mortgage qualification. We have helped thousands of people over the past 15 years. We specialize in assisting consumers with problem or marginal credit issues. No situation is too difficult for us to handle.
Consumers can still have their dream home. They just need some help from a professional mortgage qualifier. We offer personal, one on one, consulting from the owner of our company. You will not be speaking with a phone representative who is being paid by the hour or is working on commission. Instead, you will have FREE access to one of the co-owners of the company to give you personal direction on how we can assist you with all of your mortgage needs.
Give us a call. It's never too late. 770 995-1238 - Eastern